Keogh, Denny
Australian surfboard manufacturer from Sydney's Manly Beach; founder of Keyo Surfboards, and an unheralded leader of the late-'60s shortboard revolution. Denny Keogh was born (1937) in Dulwich Hill, Sydney, raised in Manly, began surfing at age eight. As a teenager he worked summers as a Manly Beach lifeguard, then wintered in the Australian Outback where he worked as a wool classer. A hobbyist s...
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Denny Keogh, Narrabeen, around 1964Subscribe to view
Denny Keogh, Brookvale, early 1960sSubscribe to view
Keyo Surfboards logo, 1967Subscribe to view
Keyo teamrider Col Smith, Kirra,1970. Photo: Alby FalzonSubscribe to view
Bob McTavish with Keyo Surfboards Plastic Machine, 1967. Photo: Stoner / SURFERSubscribe to view
Midget Farrelly riding a Denny Keough-shaped board to a win at the 1964 World Surfing Championships. Photo: Ron PerrottSubscribe to view

Denny Keogh, Narrabeen, around 1964

Denny Keogh, Brookvale, early 1960s

Keyo Surfboards logo, 1967

Keyo teamrider Col Smith, Kirra,1970. Photo: Alby Falzon

Bob McTavish with Keyo Surfboards Plastic Machine, 1967. Photo: Stoner / SURFER

Midget Farrelly riding a Denny Keough-shaped board to a win at the 1964 World Surfing Championships. Photo: Ron Perrott