Puerto Escondido
Savage Mexican beachbreak tube located on the northern tip of the Gulf of Tehuantepec, in the state of Oaxaca; often called the "Mexican Pipeline," and universally agreed to be the world's gnarliest sand-bottom wave. "Some people love it," local ace Coco Nogales said of Puerto in 2011. "Some people get pounded, turn around, head for home and never come back." The broad, sandy beach at Puerto Esco...
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Puerto Escondido, 1994Subscribe to view
Puerto Escodido, 2014Subscribe to view
Coco Nogales, Puerto Escondido, 2010. Photo: Mauricio Ramos/Red BullSubscribe to view
Mark Foo, Puerto Escondido, 1983. Photo: Mike MoirSubscribe to view
Keala Kennelly, Puerto Escondido, 2010Subscribe to view
Empty lineup at Puerto Escodido, 1996. Photo: Rob KeithSubscribe to view

Puerto Escondido, 1994

Puerto Escodido, 2014

Coco Nogales, Puerto Escondido, 2010. Photo: Mauricio Ramos/Red Bull

Mark Foo, Puerto Escondido, 1983. Photo: Mike Moir

Keala Kennelly, Puerto Escondido, 2010

Empty lineup at Puerto Escodido, 1996. Photo: Rob Keith