rail grab
Holding the rail of the surfboard; used in any situation where a bit of extra stability is needed. California surfer John Peck made the rail grab famous in the winter of 1962–63, as he blasted through hollow sections at Hawaii's Pipeline in a low, three-point stance, riding backside, right hand locked on the edge of his board for balance. Tuberiding to this day, both frontside and backside, is oft...
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Herbie Fletcher, Pipeline, 1966. Photo: Ron StonerSubscribe to view
Christian Fletcher, Cabo San Lucas, 1991. Photo: Tom ServaisSubscribe to view
Filipe Toledo, Snapper, 2014. Photo: Corey WilsonSubscribe to view
Makaha, 1966Subscribe to view
Gary Elkerton, Pipeline, 1993. Photo: John Seaton CallahanSubscribe to view
Kelly Slater, 1990. Photo: Mike BalzerSubscribe to view

Herbie Fletcher, Pipeline, 1966. Photo: Ron Stoner

Christian Fletcher, Cabo San Lucas, 1991. Photo: Tom Servais

Filipe Toledo, Snapper, 2014. Photo: Corey Wilson

Makaha, 1966

Gary Elkerton, Pipeline, 1993. Photo: John Seaton Callahan

Kelly Slater, 1990. Photo: Mike Balzer