Type of wipeout in which the tail section of the board loses traction with the wave face and quickly spin sideways. A spinout generally happens during a turn, but can also occur if a rider, while trimming, hits a steep section of wave. Spinouts are caused by riding a board too small for the conditions; by overpowering a turn or turning too quickly; or by turning through ocean-surface bump or chop....
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Braden Dias spins out at Pipeline, 1995. Photo: Jeff DivineSubscribe to view
Spinout in Bruce Brown's The Endless Summer (1964)Subscribe to view
Top-turn spinout in California, 1978Subscribe to view
Ross Clarke-Jones spins out at Backdoor, around 1993. Photo: John Seaton CallahanSubscribe to view

Braden Dias spins out at Pipeline, 1995. Photo: Jeff Divine

Spinout in Bruce Brown's The Endless Summer (1964)

Top-turn spinout in California, 1978

Ross Clarke-Jones spins out at Backdoor, around 1993. Photo: John Seaton Callahan