surfer's knots
Fibrous half-domed lumps of thickened skin and overgrown connective tissue, located just below a surfer's kneecaps or on the bony ridge of the feet, and sometimes on the joints of the toes; caused by the friction and pressure of knee-paddling a surfboard. An early mention came in Doc Ball's 1946 book California Surfriders, in a caption for a photo showing a group of surfers at San Onofre: Back fr...
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Surfers' KnotsSubscribe to view
Kemp Aaberg's foot knots. Photo: Ron Stoner / SURFERSubscribe to view
Corky Carroll, 1966. Photo: Ron StonerSubscribe to view
San Blas, Mexico, 1966. Photo: Ron StonerSubscribe to view
Surfer knots in Australia, 1966. Photo: John WitzigSubscribe to view
Surfer's knots, early 1960sSubscribe to view

Surfers' Knots

Kemp Aaberg's foot knots. Photo: Ron Stoner / SURFER

Corky Carroll, 1966. Photo: Ron Stoner

San Blas, Mexico, 1966. Photo: Ron Stoner

Surfer knots in Australia, 1966. Photo: John Witzig

Surfer's knots, early 1960s