Chapter: 8
The Ride of Your Life
- Is Surfing Hip?
- Lisa Andersen Surfs Better Than You
- Killer Cute
- Kelly Slater is Just Warming Up
- Rebel for Hire
- I Believe I Can Fly
- A Monster in Half Moon Bay
- Mark Foo's Last Ride
- Open Throttle
- Laird Means Lord
- Tahitian Scream
- A Webcam for Every Wave
- Last Call for Print Media
- Taylor Steele Likes it Rough
- Searching for the Perfect Phrase
- Hollywood Tries Again
- Thirty is the New Twenty
- Andy Irons' Poetic Fury
- The Beast and Beyond
- A Dance with the Past
- Foam is Dead, Long Live Foam
- Nature Gets a Makeover
- Surf in a Box
- The End of History
Lisa Andersen Surfs Better Than You

Lisa Andersen, 1993

Pauline Menczer. Photo: Pierre Tostee

Frieda Zamba, 1988

Lisa Andersen

Wendy Botha. Photo: Jeff Hornbaker
When Surfer published an article titled “Sexism Sucks” in 1993, it brought down a shower of hate mail, including one letter that began, “Hello, I'm a chauvinist pig,” and finished with, “I'll give a chick respect when she can surf big waves, hold her liquor, and acknowledge the dominant gender.”
Surfing’s second boom—the 1980s beachwear-driven surge that turned the sport into a billion-dollar industry—was kneecapped in 1990 by a recession and a consumer market suddenly repulsed by neon boardshorts and scrawly ethnic-print T-shirts. Red ink splattered across the surf industry power centers of Costa Mesa, Biarritz, Sydney, and Torquay. Dozens of new companies imploded, and a few established...
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