Chapter: 3
Malibu Swing
- Freezing the Moment with Doc Ball
- A Touch of Glamour
- Bob Simmons, Gnarled Genius
- Darrylin, Oh Darrylin
- The Magic Wave
- Velzy's Pig
- Dewey Weber, Hotdog Jesus
- Tubesteak Abides
- A Rebel for All Seasons
- The Valley Cometh
- Hawaii Calls
- Rocket to Makaha
- Buzzy Trent, King of Beasts
- Surfing's Beat Generation
- France and Peru Join In
- A Restart for Australia
- Bud Browne Presents
- Point Surf '58
- The Viking King of Mead Hall
- An Exorcism at Waimea
- A Farewell to Clubs
Velzy's Pig

Dale Velzy, mid-1950s

Dale Velzy (right), mid-'40s

Velzy surf shop, Manhattan Beach, 1950

Velzy pig, mid-1950s

Velzy (front), Manhattan Pier, 1951
Velzy and British actor and sophisticate David Niven surfed together often. “He was always using the word ‘splendid,'” Velzy later recalled. “He'd say to me, ‘Oh that was a splendid wave you just had!' And I'd say, ‘Niven, don't say splendid, say bitchin'—that was a bitchin' wave!”
The Malibu of popular legend was mostly created by four people: Dale Velzy, Dewey Weber, Terry Tracy, and Miki Dora. Three were from broken families. Tracy and Weber attended junior college, but barely; they were beach-educated. All four were entertainers. All four, to varying degrees, were hustlers. They commuted to Malibu (with just one or two exceptions, none of the break’s best-known riders we...
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